Mom Power®
About This Program
Target Population: Mothers (e.g., biological, adoptive, foster, etc.) of child(ren) ages 0 (during pregnancy) to 6 years, where the mothers are experiencing adversity, have past experiences of trauma or abuse, and/or current mental health challenges (e.g., posttraumatic stress and/or depression symptoms)
For children/adolescents ages: 0 – 6
For parents/caregivers of children ages: 0 – 6
Program Overview
Mom Power®: A Strong Roots™ Curriculum is an integrated mental health and attachment-based parenting program that incorporates a manualized intervention delivered by 2 facilitators across 13-sessions (3 individual and 10 group sessions), with corresponding parent- and child-group curricula. Mom Power® is intended for, but not limited to, mothers with young children (ages 0-6) and histories of adversity and/or trauma who may also present with depression, anxiety, posttraumatic stress, and/or high levels of distress. Mom Power® utilizes a multigenerational approach and applies attachment theory, cognitive-behavioral and dialectical behavioral strategies to facilitate growth and new skills. The group format is designed to facilitate social support, and the nurturing environment and individual sessions are designed to enhance access to care. The program seeks to nurture resilience through strengthening protective factors, improving mental health, and promoting sensitivity and responsive parenting. Although the CEBC has not yet reviewed these, there are adaptations of the Mom Power® curriculum specifically tailored for military families, fathers, and families involved in the child welfare system.
Program Goals
The goals of Mom Power®: A Strong Roots™ Curriculum are:
For Mother:
- Reduce maternal depression and posttraumatic stress symptoms
- Reduce parenting stress
- Increase sense of parenting competence
- Enhance coping skills
- Strengthen parenting factors associated with secure and healthy child attachment, including parent reflectivity and attachment representations
- Reduce social isolation and loneliness
- Increase access to culturally relevant community resources, including those that address behavioral health and tangible needs
For Child:
- Increase likelihood of secure and healthy attachment to mother
- Increase support of social-emotional and behavioral development
- Increase access to developmental or behavioral health services
Logic Model
View the Logic Model for Mom Power®.
Essential Components
The essential components of Mom Power®: A Strong Roots™ Curriculum include:
- Parenting intervention that is:
- Attachment-based
- Multigenerational
- Psychoeducational
- Delivered through 13 sessions, consisting of:
- 10 Group Sessions (typically once per week for 10 consecutive weeks) to deliver a manualized intervention program for mothers and their children
- Duration: 2-2.5 hours each (or 90 minutes Virtual)
- Group Size: 10-12 mothers per group with their children
- Location: Physical space with two rooms (or Virtual platform)
- Format:
- Closed group: Mothers must attend first 2 sessions to continue; must attend 7 sessions to complete program
- Each group session consists of:
- A shared group meal
- Parent-child separation
- Two simultaneous classes:
- Mom Group for mothers
- Child Group for children
- Parent-child reunion and Circle Time which includes a shared group activity with mothers and children
- 3 Individual Sessions
- Occurring:
- Pre-Group
- Mid-Group
- Post-Group
- Address the unique needs of families
- Collaborate with parents to identify needs and provide individualized referrals to community resources with warm hand-offs when possible
- Duration: 60 minutes each
- Weekly Phone Calls during 10-weeks of Group Sessions to check-in, assess resource and safety needs, provide additional support or referrals
- Core fundamental therapeutic components include:
- Utilizes the Strong Roots Concepts, a framework for understanding and strengthening early relationships that is grounded in the metaphor of the Tree and utilizes nature-based concepts and imagery
- Follows the 5 pillars of Mom Power, the fundamental therapeutic elements of the intervention, which are aligned with the Center for the Study of Social Policy’s Strengthening Families Protective Factors, and reflect the outcome areas that the intervention intends to impact:
- Attachment-based parenting psychoeducation
- Supported parent-child interactions
- Connecting to culturally relevant resources
- Enhanced social supports
- Self-Care Skills: Stress reduction/Mind-body exercises
- Promotes peer support through the group format, including facilitated topics during shared mealtimes
- Directly addresses barriers to participation, such as transportation, meals, childcare
- Provides a safe, trusting, and nurturing environment for families to connect, grow and learn new skills; and serves as a safe–soft entry to any additional services (engagement)
- Requires group Reflective Supervision for service providers (pre-group, weekly during 10-weeks, post-group) to offer curriculum and clinical support for providers in a parallel process, and to monitor fidelity to the model
- Child Group:
- Promotes secure parent-child attachment and child social-emotional development by:
- Creating an emotionally and physically safe environment
- Providing attuned and responsive caregiving
- Supporting separations and reunions
- Nurturing a child’s capacity to give clear cues regarding emotional and behavioral needs
- Child Group staff and children engage in play that is guided by a weekly curriculum that emphasizes child-led play and offers suggestions for age-specific activities
Program Delivery
Child/Adolescent Services
Mom Power® directly provides services to children/adolescents and addresses the following:
- Problems with, or challenges in, the child-parent attachment relationship
- Disruptions in social, emotional, and/or behavioral regulation
- Lack of connection to relevant and responsive community-based services and resources
Parent/Caregiver Services
Mom Power® directly provides services to parents/caregivers and addresses the following:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Traumatic stress (from childhood or experienced as an adult)
- Posttraumatic Stress
- Parenting Stress
- Disruptions in capacity for parental Reflective Functioning
- Disruptions in, or problems affecting, the security of the parent-child relationship
- Disruptions in responsive caregiving behavior
- Parent of a child with challenging emotional and/or behavioral needs
- Isolation/lack of social support
- Lack of connection to resources
Services Involve Family/Support Structures:
This program involves the family or other support systems in the individual's treatment: Participants can invite a family member, co-parenting partner, friend, or other support person to group session 8, “Guest Week.” This is an opportunity to enhance participant social supports and for participants to share what they have learned with their support person.
Recommended Intensity:
Group sessions - 1 time per week, 10 sessions (90-150 minutes each); Individual sessions - 3 in total: before the group session series begin, in the middle of the group session series, after the group session series end (60 minutes each)
Recommended Duration:
10 weeks
Delivery Settings
This program is typically conducted in a(n):
- Community Daily Living Setting
- Foster / Kinship Care
- Hospital
- Outpatient Clinic
- Community-based Agency / Organization / Provider
- Group or Residential Care
- School Setting (Including: Day Care, Day Treatment Programs, etc.)
- Virtual (Online, Telephone, Video, Zoom, etc.)
Mom Power® includes a homework component:
Homework is framed as “Practice” to aid participants in building a sense of confidence and competence in applying the material learned to everyday life. Practice is linked with the content learned in group and often includes instruction to practice self-care skills, notice behaviors in themselves and their children, and/or complete sunshine time (i.e., child interactions).
Mom Power® has materials available in languages other than English:
Arabic, Spanish
For information on which materials are available in these languages, please check on the program's website or contact the program representative (contact information is listed at the bottom of this page).
Resources Needed to Run Program
The typical resources for implementing the program are:
Staffing Requirements (and weekly time commitment for 12 weeks):
- 2 Mom Group Facilitators (6-8 hours)
- Program coordinator (4 hours)
- 1 Child Group Leader (6-8 hours)
- Child Group Staff Members (4-6 hours)
- Sufficient staffing for a 1 Child Group Staff Member to 4 children (1:4) ratio is recommended, however there are options to modify this structure based on available agency resources
- Reflective Supervisor (2 hours)
Space and Equipment needs:
- In-person Groups:
- Space with 2 rooms in close proximity:
- 1 that can accommodate 10-15 people for Mom Group
- 1 that can accommodate 30-40 adults and children for mealtime, Child Group, and circle time
- Computer/projector/DVD player/TV (a modality for playing videos)
- Up-to-date paper copies of curriculum and supplemental materials for facilitators and participants
- Virtual Groups:
- HIPAA-compliant virtual meeting platform (e.g., Zoom)
- Technology for group participants (e.g., tablets, hot spots, headphones)
- Up-to-date digital copies of curriculum and supplemental materials for facilitators and participants
Manuals and Training
Prerequisite/Minimum Provider Qualifications
A mental-health-related master’s level credential is necessary for one of the two Mom Group Leaders and the reflective consultant. Additionally, it is recommended that reflective consultants have experience providing reflective supervision.
Manual Information
There is a manual that describes how to deliver this program.
Program Manual(s)
Manual Information:
- Muzik, M., Rosenblum, K., & Schuster, M. (2021). Mom Power®: A Strong Roots Curricula: 10-week in-person curriculum. Unpublished manual. University of Michigan.
- Muzik, M., Rosenblum, K., & Schuster, M. (2021). Mom Power®: A Strong Roots Curricula: 10-week virtual curriculum. Unpublished manual. University of Michigan.
- Muzik, M., Rosenblum, K., Ribaudo, J., & Schuster, M. (2021). Mom Power®: Child team curriculum for child team leaders. Unpublished manual. University of Michigan.
For more information, please contact the training listed contact below
Training Information
There is training available for this program.
Training Contact:
- Diana Saum
phone: (734) 232-5747
Training Type/Location:
Training is provided virtually or in person approximately 3 times a year. Additionally, organizations can request to host an onsite training.
Number of days/hours:
Training consists of: 5-10 hours of asynchronous pretraining learning 3 days (in person) or 5 half days (virtual) day synchronous live training
Implementation Information
Pre-Implementation Materials
There are pre-implementation materials to measure organizational or provider readiness for Mom Power® as listed below:
Organizations interested in the program can complete the following questionnaire, and then speak with a Strong Roots representative to determine organizational readiness:
Additionally, there is a Readiness Checklist available for site self-assessment. For a copy of the Readiness Checklist, please contact the training contact above.
Formal Support for Implementation
There is formal support available for implementation of Mom Power® as listed below:
Technical Assistance: 5 hours of technical assistance are included in the cost of training and are provided via phone, virtual meeting platform, or in-person meeting. This service is intended to support sites with general trouble shooting around implementation of group.
Reflective Consultation: Reflective consultation for group facilitators is an essential component of the intervention. Sessions occur pre-group, weekly during 10-weeks, post-group, and are intended to offer curriculum and clinical support for providers in a parallel process. Sites are required to receive reflective consultation from Zero to Thrive® for the first two Mom Power® groups that they implement to ensure fidelity to the model. After the first two groups, reflective consultation is still required, but sites can choose to contract with an external reflective consultant or provide this service internally.
Fidelity Measures
There are fidelity measures for Mom Power® as listed below:
Practitioner self-report assessments are completed by facilitators to measure content and process fidelity. Video recordings of sessions can also be submitted to the developer for review upon request. Providers/facilitators are trained on how model fidelity is measured and the requirements for monitoring and reporting fidelity measures during the training.
Fidelity Measure Requirements:
Fidelity measures are required to be used as part of program implementation.
Established Psychometrics:
Rosenblum, K., Muzik, M., Morelen, D. M., Alfafara, E. A., Miller, N. M., Waddell, R. M., Schuster, M. M., & Ribaudo, J. (2017). A community-based randomized controlled trial of Mom Power parenting intervention for mothers with interpersonal trauma histories and their young children. Archives of Women’s Mental Health, 20, 673–686.
Implementation Guides or Manuals
There are implementation guides or manuals for Mom Power® as listed below:
The administrative manual outlines considerations for organizational-level factors that support implementation of the program. This includes reaching sustainability, collaboration, training staff, leadership involvement, and implementation issues. Materials are available after receiving the Mom Power® training.
Implementation Cost
There are no studies of the costs of Mom Power®.
Research on How to Implement the Program
Research has been conducted on how to implement Mom Power® as listed below:
Gray, S. A. O., Moberg, S. A., Obus, E. A., Parker, V., Rosenblum, K. L., Muzik, M., Zeanah, C. H., & Drury, S. S. (2022). Harnessing Virtual Mom Power: Process and outcomes of a pilot telehealth adaptation of a multifamily, attachment-based intervention. Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy, 21(1), 6–18.
Relevant Published, Peer-Reviewed Research
Child Welfare Outcome: Child/Family Well-Being
Rosenblum, K. L., Muzik, M., Morelen, D. M., Alfafara, E. A., Miller, N. M., Waddell, R. M., Schuster, M. M., & Ribaudo, J. (2017). A community-based randomized controlled trial of Mom Power parenting intervention for mothers with interpersonal trauma histories and their young children. Archives of Women’s Mental Health, 20(5) 673–686.
Type of Study:
Randomized controlled trial
Number of Participants:
- Age — Parents: Mean=23.33–23.69 years; Children: Mean=14.77–19.82 years
- Race/Ethnicity — Parents: 36 Caucasian, 86 Minority; Children: Not specified
- Gender — Parents: 100% Female; Children: Not specified
- Status — Participants were high-risk mothers (e.g., interpersonal trauma histories, mental health problems, poverty) and their young children.
Location/Institution: Not specified
(To include basic study design, measures, results, and notable limitations)
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Mom Power, a multifamily parenting intervention to improve mental health and parenting among high-risk mothers with young children in a community-based randomized controlled trial (CB-RCT). Participants were randomly assigned to either the Mom Power intervention or a control condition. Measures utilized include the Parenting Stress Index-short form (PSI-SF), the Working Model of the Child Interview (WMCI), a modified version of the Life Stressor Checklist, the Postpartum Depression Screening Scale (PPDS), and the National Women's Study PTSD Module (NWS-PTSD). Results indicate that Mom Power was delivered in the community with fidelity and had good uptake (>65%) despite the risk nature of the sample. Women in the Mom Power group decreased significantly on PTSD symptoms, whereas women in the control group significantly decreased in depression symptoms. The benefits of Mom Power treatment (vs. control) were accentuated for mothers with interpersonal trauma histories: Women with a history of interpersonal trauma showed significant decreases in mental health symptoms for the Mom Power treatment condition in both depression and PTSD, and no changes in mental health symptoms for the control condition. Limitations include a lack of objective data on whether women followed through with referrals; attrition at the postintervention timepoint; lack of data on child outcomes that would allow for further analysis examining correlations between potential changes in maternal behaviors and how they relate to child outcomes; and a lack of postintervention follow-up.
Length of controlled postintervention follow-up: None.
Rosenblum, K., Lawler, J., Alfafara, E., Miller, N., Schuster, M., & Muzik, M. (2018). Improving maternal representations in high-risk mothers: A randomized, controlled trial of the Mom Power parenting intervention. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 49(3), 372–384.
Type of Study:
Randomized controlled trial
Number of Participants:
- Age — Parents: Mean=24.05–24.08 years; Children: Mean=15.07–21.05 months
- Race/Ethnicity — Not specified
- Gender — Parents: 100% Female; Children: Not specified
- Status — Participants were high-risk mothers recruited from low-income community locations.
Location/Institution: Not specified
(To include basic study design, measures, results, and notable limitations)
The study used a subset of the same sample as Rosenblum et al. (2017). The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of an attachment-based, trauma-informed parenting intervention, the Mom Power (MP) program, in optimizing maternal representations of high-risk mothers. Participants were randomly assigned to either the MP Intervention or a control condition. Measures utilized include the Working Model of the Child Interview (WMCI), a modified version of the Life Stressor Checklist, the Postpartum Depression Screening Scale (PPDS), and the National Women's Study PTSD Module (NWS-PTSD). Results indicate that the proportion of women with Balanced (secure) representations increased in the MP group but not in the control group. Parenting Reflectivity for mothers in the treatment group significantly
increased, with no change in the control condition. Participation in the MP program was associated with improvements in a key indicator of the security of the parent-child relationship: mothers' representations of their children. Limitations include the relatively small sample size, study attrition, and the study did not employ a newer classification system for the WMCI that has recently been developed to assess the “Disorganized” category of representation.
Length of controlled postintervention follow-up: None.
Jester, J. M., Riggs, J. L., Menke, R. A., Alfafara, E. M., Issa, M., Muzik, M., & Rosenblum, K. (2023). Randomized pilot trial of the 'Mom Power' trauma and attachment-informed multi-family group intervention in treating and preventing postpartum symptoms of depression among a health disparity sample. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14, Article 1048511.
Type of Study:
Randomized controlled trial
Number of Participants:
- Age — Parents: Mean=23.33–23.69 years; Children: Mean=14.77–19.82 years
- Race/Ethnicity — Parents: 36 Caucasian, 86 Minority; Children: Not specified
- Gender — Parents: 100% Female; Children: Not specified
- Status — Participants were high-risk mothers (e.g., interpersonal trauma histories, mental health problems, poverty) and their young children.
Location/Institution: Not specified
(To include basic study design, measures, results, and notable limitations)
The study used the same sample as Rosenblum et al. (2017). The purpose of the study was to determine the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of Mom Power to reduce perinatal depression. Participants were randomly assigned to either the Mom Power intervention or a control condition. Measures utilized include the Postpartum Depression Screening Scale (PPDS). Results indicate that at 3-months post-treatment, the 31 retained women assigned to Mom Power were half as likely to meet criteria for probable depression (26%) as the 22 women retained in the control group (55%), with treatment predicting lower incidence of probable depression. Moreover, among the 23 women who did not meet criteria for depression diagnosis at baseline, no women in the treatment group developed depression compared to control group women. Logistic regression controlling for selective attrition confirmed the treatment effect on preventing new onset of depression. Limitations include that there was substantial attrition between pre-treatment assessments and data collected 3 months post-treatment, the sample size was small, and all data was collected via self-rating scales instead of diagnostic interviews.
Length of controlled postintervention follow-up: 3 months.
Additional References
Muzik, M., Rosenblum, K. L., Alfafara, E. A., Schuster, M. M., Miller, N. M., Waddell, R. M., & Kohler, E. S. (2015). Mom Power: Preliminary outcomes of a group intervention to improve mental health and parenting among high-risk mothers. Archives of Women's Mental Health, 18, 507–521.
Rosenblum, K., Lawler, J., Alfafara, E., Miller, N., Schuster, M., & Muzik, M. (2018). Improving maternal representations in high-risk mothers: A randomized, controlled trial of the mom power parenting intervention. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 49(3), 372–384.
Swain, J. E., Ho, S. S., Rosenblum, K. L., Morelen, D., Dayton, C. J., & Muzik, M. (2017). Parent-child intervention decreases stress and increases maternal brain activity and connectivity during own baby-cry: An exploratory study. Development and Psychopathology, 29(2), 535–553.
Contact Information
- Diana Saum, LMSW
- Agency/Affiliation: Zero to Thrive
- Department: Department of Psychiatry, University of Michigan
- Website:
- Email:
- Phone: (734) 232-5747
Date Research Evidence Last Reviewed by CEBC: August 2023
Date Program Content Last Reviewed by Program Staff: October 2023
Date Program Originally Loaded onto CEBC: October 2023